
Java Snippet FAQ

For Dealers

Who can use the Java Snippet?

The Java Snippet is available to all VELUX dealers, in accordance with current trading Terms & Conditions.  Use of the Java Snippet honors the dealer's willingness to show curated content by VELUX on its website.


Can I have a look at the online content before I decide to participate?

Yes, after registering you can preview the online content on marketing.velux.ie


How can I register as a dealer for the Java Snippet?

Registration on the website marketing.velux.co.uk requires the following data:

  • 8-digit VELUX customer number
  • Address of the website in which the VELUX snippet is integrated (deep link URL)
  • Name and email address of the marketing or digital contact in your company

The data is required to review use of the Java Snippet and to inform you of relevant updates.


In what format is the content provided?

You will receive the snippet content via a personalised code fragment (JavaScript).  You can copy this code from marketing.velux.co.uk and embed directly into the HTML of your website.

The content is updated regularly by us and will include different links and call-to-actions. 


Where should the VELUX content be integrated on my website?

We recommend the content is accessible from the dealer's homepage via the main menu, in a maximum of 2 clicks. This can sit on a VELUX Brand page, Inspiration page, or special Campaign page (e.g. VELUX Rewards). 


What are the technical requirements for my website to host the content?

There are no special requirements. Every web platform should make this possible. 

For technical reasons, however, the following instructions must be observed. This ensures the JavaScript snippet can be found in the source code of the specified HTML page:

  • The VELUX code fragment must be integrated directly into the HTML source code of the dealer website. For example, integration via an external source using an I-frame, or reloading using JavaScript, does not meet the requirements.
  • The dealer's website must have a valid security certificate.


The content is not showing, what do I do?

Please complete the following form with as much detail as possible and make contact with our technical support agency, Tunity:  https://inspiration.velux.co.uk/javasnippet 

The team will reach out to you, via phone or email, to get the content displaying correctly. 


Can I integrate more than one Java Snippet?

For the moment, you can only select one snippet type to display.  Future developments are underway. 


Does VELUX collect usage data via the dealer website?

No, VELUX does not collect, track or read any data about the use of the online content or the dealer's website.

VELUX provides a code fragment (JavaScript snippet), which ensures that content is loaded into the corresponding HTML page of the dealer. The only thing that VELUX checks from time to time is the online availability of the specified HTML page. VELUX uses an online tool for this, which checks daily whether the dealer's HTML page is online. This is comparable to accessing the website yourself with an Internet browser and looking to see if it can be displayed. 


Can the integration of VELUX online content pose a security risk?

The online content and formats that VELUX offers do not pose a security risk and do not violate data protection regulations. The online material runs via JavaScript. We are not aware of any risks.


Who can I contact at VELUX if I have further questions about the bonus online visibility?

Please send your enquiries by email to marketing@velux.co.uk